Friday, September 14, 2012

iPhone 5

LOL people are such tools sometimes. OHHHH shiny!

First off I would like to say I am a Mac bigot. I LOVE my Macbook and PowerMac not only do they run near flawlessly they are built like no other PC. Plus, if worst comes to worst I can boot Windows 7 stand alone or with a Virtual Machine (so Windows runs as a task on my Mac or I can run individual Windows programs)

I just can't get on the iPhone bandwagon. Now granted it would make my digital like easier. I have to sync my music and things to my Android S3 with a program called iSyncr for Mac but they make iSyncr for PC too. But the new iPhone has 5 rows and can use 4G? Oh boy... Something Android has been doing for over a year.

What else can't an iPhone do?

So look folks if you love your iPhone I understand but i think I would be a bit pissed off if I had bought a iPhone charger, camera holder, or a BMW with a built in dock and now with the iPhone 5 I need an adapter for ALL my iPhone gear? F that!

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